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British press - prasa brytyjska

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Media są nieodłączną częścią współczesnej kultury. Znajomość kultury a więc i informacje na temat mediów (prasy , radia czy telewizji) powinna być powiązana ze znajomością języka obcego, zwłaszcza na wyższych poziomach zaawansowania. Proponuję zacząć przekazywanie wiedzy o mediach brytyjskich od dwóch lekcji na temat tabloidów i tzw. quality press.

British press - Lesson plan (for 2 lessons)

Topic: Quality press and tabloids

Level : intermediate +

Time : 2 x 45 min.

Aims : cultural - information about British press, vocabulary development, reading for gist, speaking

Materials : copies of quality papers and tabloids (The Times, The Guardian, The Independent, The Daily Telegraph, The Sun, Daily Mirror, Daily Mail, Star, etc)


1. Warm up : Teacher writes some titles of newspapers on the board. Students are to guess the topic of the lesson. Teacher asks warm up questions, e. g.

- Do you read any newspapers? Which ones?
- Why do you read them and how often?
- Which sections of the newspapers do you read?
- What do you like and dislike in the papers that you read? etc.

2. Groupwork : The groups are given copies of quality papers (group A) and tabloids (group B). Students are to look through the papers and make a list of the characteristic features. Teacher writes on the board what they are to consider:

- photos
- headlines
- sections
- articles (how long, what topics, vocabulary and style)
- advertisements

The groups report their observations to the class, the characteristic features are put down on the board (see below) and in students' notebooks, students learn the terms: quality press and tabloids.

Suggested notes:

Quality press

- fewer photos, smaller, more neutral
- headlines neutral in tone
- international, national news, economy, business, culture, social issues, sport
- longer articles, more difficult language, for educated readers
- adverts for more expensive, high quality products


- big photos, lots of them, sensational, in bad taste
- big, sensational headlines, puns
- entertainment, shocking news, gossip, pop culture, page three girls, celebrity news
- short articles, simpler language, colloquial
- adverts for cheap products, bargains

3. An article: In pairs, students are given one paper. They are to choose one article, read it and prepare a short presentation based on it. They are to talk about :

- the headline
- the accompanying picture
- summarise the content of the article
- say whether it is interesting and why/why not

Students report to the class.

4. Homework : students are to learn to talk about the characteristic features of tabloids and quality papers. Optional: students are given internet addresses of the papers' websites. They are to prepare a report on the latest news.

Autor: Gabriela Czarnik

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